Fishing Articles

Welcome to our blog. We are going to try and write about every time we go fishing. We want to try and share whatever we think we know with you. We will talk about where we fish, when we fish, how we fish, what flies we use and why we do what we do. Most times we have no idea. Maybe we can help someone catch more fish. I think it is important to share the love we have for fishing and promote it to the community. Check in from time to time and read about what is happening in our little world. Hopefully we will have some videos to share also. Tight lines!

Larry has been fishing with me on Matahina for a long time. For years he held the record for the number of fish landed in a day. He knows the place well and he knows the bay where we never catch anything. He wanted to try so we went in...

I always thought about having fly competitions with my mates where we randomly select a couple of patterns and fish only with those for a day. So about this time last year me and Dan decided to catch a trout on every fly pattern we have in stock. In this article and video we successfully use 10 new patterns to catch trout.

Join Dan and I on our second day of fly fishing for the season. Dan catches his best trout and we both use several different trout flies to catch both brown and rainbow trout (Salmo trutta and Oncorhynchus mykiss). We fly fish from a Canadian canoe in the Bay of Plenty, NZ.