Strung Feathers

Our strung product is imported and is made up of excellent, quality feathers. The weavers love these.  Most remove the string before use but you can sew this directly onto a garment for example. As you will see we have some higher end product available. Please let us know what else you would like to see here. 

Just so you know the types of feathers we have here:

Schlappen feathers are found near the base of a rooster's tail. They are found between the saddle feathers on the back and the longer tail feathers.

Saddle feathers, as the name suggests, come from the back of a rooster towards the tail.

Hackle feathers come from the neck of a rooster.

Marabou feathers are the soft, fluffy down feathers from a turkey.

Coquille feathers are goose plumage with a naturally curving shape. Coquille is a French word meaning shell or scallop shell.