Fishing Articles

Welcome to our blog. We are going to try and write about every time we go fishing. We want to try and share whatever we think we know with you. We will talk about where we fish, when we fish, how we fish, what flies we use and why we do what we do. Most times we have no idea. Maybe we can help someone catch more fish. I think it is important to share the love we have for fishing and promote it to the community. Check in from time to time and read about what is happening in our little world. Hopefully we will have some videos to share also. Tight lines!

JJ moved to Dunedin from Whakatane about five years ago. He has spent a bit of time chasing big trout and salmon around Twizel and has learned a few tricks. Steve came down a year ago in November and caught trout up to 18 pounds. This Queens Bday weekend my my first time there so I tried to do what our guide JJ told us to do.

Dan and I had another fish around lake Matahina catching both brown and rainbow trout. The lake has an algal bloom and is pretty warm. We did not catch as many trout as we had hoped with only eight good fish landed. It is going to fire shortly when the cooler weather kills the algae.