Fishing Articles

Welcome to our blog. We are going to try and write about every time we go fishing. We want to try and share whatever we think we know with you. We will talk about where we fish, when we fish, how we fish, what flies we use and why we do what we do. Most times we have no idea. Maybe we can help someone catch more fish. I think it is important to share the love we have for fishing and promote it to the community. Check in from time to time and read about what is happening in our little world. Hopefully we will have some videos to share also. Tight lines!

Jack has done plenty of trout fishing with a spinner. Today Jack used only a flyrod and a dry fly. After a few lessons he was away and caught some nice rainbows.

Kadin had never caught a trout on a spinner nor had he ever cast a fly rod before. He caught three trout on a spinner then switched to a fly rod. He cast deer hair cicada dry flies and caught a bunch of bi rainbow and brown trout. Dad caught one too!

Larry has been fishing with me for a long time. He loves to cast a spinner and cast woolly buggers with the fly rod. He has caught a few on dry flies before. Today he casted a cicada dry fly for the first time and landed 21 trout. I think he is a fly fishing covert.

Dan and I fished exactly the same stretch of river and Lake Matahina two days apart. The first session started about 4 PM and the second session started around 6 AM. Which was better?

Join Dan and I as we float down the Rangitaiki River and add seven more trout fly patterns to the success list. Dan caught a lot of trees and broke his rod early on so we took turns with mine.