Fishing Articles

Welcome to our blog. We are going to try and write about every time we go fishing. We want to try and share whatever we think we know with you. We will talk about where we fish, when we fish, how we fish, what flies we use and why we do what we do. Most times we have no idea. Maybe we can help someone catch more fish. I think it is important to share the love we have for fishing and promote it to the community. Check in from time to time and read about what is happening in our little world. Hopefully we will have some videos to share also. Tight lines!

Join us for a quick fish in Waiohau. Pereniko's son, DC, catches his first trout on a spinner. Pereniko catches his first trout dry fly fishing with a deer hair cicada.

The river is still high but clearing and it is literally the first sight fishing of the season. I saw many trout today and cicadas were on the menu!