Trout Fly Store

Welcome to our trout fly fishing shop. We stock a huge variety of trout fishing flies including woolly buggers, dry flies, wee wets and emergers, nymphs, streamers, glo bugs, harling and jigging flies; we have a fly for every situation you will face. Please let us know if you cannot find what you are looking for.

As of December 2024, we have 209 individual patterns and 536 size combinations for sale. That is more than any other retailer in Australasia and likely the world!

We have Fly Packs at discounted rates and Fly Boxes to go with any selection.

If you want to see our flies in action, check out our articles. The goal is to catch a trout on every pattern we sell then repeat the process until we run out of casts.

We also have a range of Fly Tying Supplies if you want to make your own flies.

And...feel free to friend me or follow on Facebook: .


We have a mix of trout flies for every situation. Design your own 50 or 100 trout fly pack. They are cheaper to buy in packs!
Dry Fly fishing is the closest we will ever come to perfection. I love spending my summer and autumn days floating down a river and looking for trout rising. There is nothing like targeting a rising trout with a dry fly in the world of trout fishing.
Nymphing is the easiest and most reliable way to catch a trout in rivers, especially during winter.
Epoxy-Eyed Jigging Smelt are trout killers on the lakes. Jigging comes into its own when the thermocline forms in summer around 20-25 m. The smelt congregate there and the trout are right there with them. The rest of the year is a little more random and a lot of people use bully or koura imitations. The fly shown above is an Epoxy-Eyed Lumo Doll Fly.
Buggers can be fished anywhere with great success!.
Streamers, lures or wet flies are used for harling, trolling, jigging and more importantly for wet lining. You cast down and across, usually with a sinking line, and wait for the strike. It feels good when it happens. I am an edge caster so I use a floating line.
If you are unsure what you want or just want a good mix to try, try one of our packs.
Wee Wet Flies are perfect when trout target emergers. Try a wee wet fly on a small stream or in pocket water. Try one on a lake edge or drifting in open water. I did last season and had great success.
Glo Bugs are effective on spawning trout.
We have a variety of domestic fur and feather products for fly tying.