Dry Dropper Pack


I am a big fan of sight fishing with a dry fly when the trout are looking up. If I am fishing blind in spring/summer/autumn, I like to use a dry dropper rig. It is simply a dry fly with a nymph tied to the bend in the hook. I usually use large terrestrials for the dry and a small bead head nymph below. Certain conditions call for a smaller parachute dry fly with an unweighted nymph below. Other times call for a big ugly nymph to draw attention. Length of the tippet to the dropper varies due to water flow. In still water you probably want as long as you can cast. In flowing water, 50 cm or less is fine.

The following 12 flies will get you ready for for dry dropper fishing:


Six Dry Flies

Royal Stimulator size 8

Rubber Legged Stimulator size 10

Deer Hair Cicada Olive size 8

Royal Wulff size 8

Parachute Adams size 10

Adams Irresistible size 10


Six Nymphs

Bead Head Pheasant Tail with Rubber Legs size 12

Bead Head Pheasant Tail size 16

Pheasant Tail size 12

Bead Head Hare and Copper size 16

Hare's Ear Flashback size 14

Copper John size 16


Here is a start and as you can imagine, the possibilities are endless. You will definitely be increasing your odds of hooking up with a dry dropper rig this season. You can also use wee wets and emergers as droppers too. In moving water, the swing at the end of the cast can draw explosive strikes. You can make that happen in still water before you re-cast. 


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